NIM BIN Module – Ortec 459 5 kV Detector Bias Supply Used




SKU: 000082424010HH24Store-OS

Product Description

Used, clean, and in good overall condition.

Testing has been performed to verify the correct output. The internal meter reads a bit high but is accurate to the adjustment dial setting. The output was linear with the dial adjustment throughout the range up to 5000V. It is currently set internally for positive voltage operation.

Note that the two lock-down screws for securing it in a NIM Bin crate are not present, but it should still work just fine.

The Ortec 459 is a NIM (Nuclear Instrumentation Module) bin module that functions as a high voltage bias supply for detectors used in nuclear and particle physics experiments.

Here are the key details about this module:

Voltage Range:
The Ortec 459 can supply a bias voltage from 0 to 5 kV (5000 volts).

Module Type:
It is designed as a standard NIM bin plug-in module, allowing it to be easily integrated into NIM bin systems commonly used in physics research setups.

The primary purpose of this module is to provide a stable, adjustable high voltage bias for various types of radiation detectors, such as photomultiplier tubes, semiconductor detectors, and ionization chambers.

As a high-quality research instrument, the Ortec 459 offers precise voltage control and stability, which is crucial for accurate detector operation and measurements.

Ortec is a well-known and respected manufacturer of nuclear instrumentation, including NIM modules and other scientific equipment.

Being a standard NIM module, it is compatible with NIM bin power supplies and can be used alongside other NIM modules in a modular instrumentation setup.

Commonly used in nuclear physics laboratories, particle accelerator facilities, and other scientific research environments where precise detector biasing is required.

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  • Weight: 4 lb
  • Width: 14 in
  • Depth: 3 in
  • Height: 12 in
  • Returns: 30 Days
  • Why You Need It: Power your experiments. High voltage for detectors. Ensure stability and accuracy in your research. Trust in its robust design and performance.
  • Would You Like to Learn More?: Introduction to Nuclear Instrumentation Modules (NIM)

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